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Gobeithio y gwnewch chi fwynhau aros efo ni.  Cofiwch ofyn os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn neu bryder.   


Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd y wybodaeth isod yn eich helpu i wneud y mwya o'ch gwyliau ac yn ateb rhai o'ch cwestiynau tebygol.




We hope that you enjoy your stay with us.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


The information below should hopefully help you make the most of your stay and answer some of your questions.



  • Sut ydw i yn cael WiFi?  /  How do I log on to the WiFi?
  • Ydi'r gwres yn gweithio? / Does the heating work?
    I drio achub yr amgylchedd ma'r gwres yn dod ymlaen ar amserydd gennym. Rhwng mis Hydref a Mawrth mae'r gwres ymlaen yn ddyddiol rhwng 6.30 a 9yb, rhwng 3yh a 6.30 a rhwng 9.30 ac 11yh. Rhwng Ebrill a Medi mae'r gwres ymlaen os oes angen yn unig. Os nad ydi'ch rheiddiadur yn boeth a bod y gwres i fod ymlaen yna gwnewch yn siwr ei fod ymlaen (troi i fyny). Os ydych chi yn oer ac nad ydy'r gwres ymlaen gennym gadewch i ni wybod (unai trwy ddod i'n gweld, ein ffonio neu anfon neges atom), fe allwn droi'r gwres ymlaen neu roi mwy o flancedi i chi. As our little part to save the environment we've set the heating on a timer. Between October and March the heating comes on daily between 6.30 and 9am, between 3pm and 6.30pm and between 9.30pm and 11pm. Betwee April and September the heating is switched on only when needed. If the heating should be on but your radiator is cold please check that it's on (or turn it up). If you're cold and we don't have the heating on please let us know (either by knocking on our door, calling us or send us a message), we can either turn it on or we have plenty of extra blankets.
  • Dwi angen mwy o de a choffi! / I need more tea and coffee!
    Dim problem! Ewch i'r ystafell fyw a helpwch eich hunain. SYLWER: O dan amgylchiada Covid nid oes modd i ni agor yr ystafell fyw gan ei fod yn stafell a rennir. Gofynnwch wrth aelod o'n tîm (unai trwy ddod i'n gweld, ein ffonio neu anfon neges atom)am fwy o de neu goffi i'ch ystafell. No problems! Help yourself from the supply in the guest living room. PLEASE NOTE: Covid guidelines restricts us from allowing access to the shared living room so please at this time ask a member of our team (either by knocking on our door, calling us or send us a message)for more tea and coffee.
  • Lle fedra i sychu fy nillad gwlyb?  /  Where can I dry my wet clothes?
    Yn y prif adeilad mae gennym stafell sychu sydd ar y dde ar ben draw y prif goridor (pasio ystafelloedd 3 a 4, cyn troi i'r chwith am ystafelloedd 6 - 9). Gofynnwn i chi gadw'r ystafell yn daclus, bod yn ymwybodol o westeion eraill a pharchu eu pethau. Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw unrhyw eiddo a adewir yn yr ystafell sychu. Yn y bynchaws gobeithiwn fod digon o le i sychu eich dillad yn yr ystafell ganol rhwng y ddwy ystafell. In the main building there is a dry room on the right at the far end of the first corridor (past rooms 3 and 4, opposite the door that leads to rooms 6 - 9). We kindly ask that you keep the room tidy, that you respect the property of others and that it's a shared facility. Any items left in the room are your responsibility. In the bunkhouse we hope there's enough drying space for your clothes between the two bed rooms.
  • Dro da? / Good walks?
    Mi rydym i gyd yn byw ac wedi ein magu yn lleol felly plis gofynnwch wrth unrhyw aelod o'r tîm neu mae gennym nifer o lyfrau cerdded a mapiau lleol y gallwch fenthyg - ewch i'r dudalen llyfrau i weld mwy. Every member of our team lives and has been brought up locally, please use our knowledge, ask us questions - we would love to share our favourite walks with you. Alternatively we have a number of local guide books, walking books and maps that you can borrow - check our page on books and maps for more details.
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